HNW Complex ownership, High Value single property

Bridging Finance

Requirement / Background

Family had multiple assets across various companies and there were recent company liquidations. The ownership structure was complex with over 25 shareholders – none of whom were directors. No Personal or Director’s guarantees on offer. Large value single residential property worth in excess of £15m. Using funds for business purposes – working capital requirements.

Facility type

Bridging finance against sale of property

Incumbent facility size


Empire Capital Solution

£4m including interest & Fee rollup, 12 month term.

We had multiple offers with a number of lenders breaking their published rates policy ending up in a price war and subsequently an amazing deal for the client.

Interest Rate

0.42% per month – Negotiated down from published rates

Other Charges

2% Arrangement fee

Outcome & Conclusion

The client was in no rush and we went down many paths over a lengthy period of time. We kept trying and ultimately provided the client a solution that ticked every box.

